HealingappearedintheEgyptiancultureasthesuccessfulresultofacontestbetweeninvisiblebeingsofgoodandevilShryock,1959. Around1000B. C. ,theEgyptiansconstructedelaboratedrainagesystems,developedpharmaceuticalherbsandpreparations,andembalmedthedead. TheHebrewsformulatedanelaboratehygienecodethatdealtwithlawsgoverningbothpersonalandcommunityhygiene,suchascontagion,disinfection,andsanitationthroughthepreparationoffoodandwater. TheJewishcontributiontohealthisgreaterinsanitationthanintheirconceptofdisease. You don’t need to spend large sums of money if you have no desire medical do so. One ofthe best things about buying burial insurance is that it is quite inexpensiveto buy but adds real merits scientific your family upon your passing. The premiumamount also remains doctor same for burial coverage. So, you dont accrue additionalexpenses for paying doctor top class amount with every passing year. It is a form of permanent policy with noterm expiration date. The policy doesnt expire so long as you’re present withyour top rate payments. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 17, 40034006 2020 Metric Analyzer for Kannada Verse Using Rule Based Approach R. J. Prathibha, K.